What Are the Types of Airsoft BB Guns?

by | Sep 9, 2016 | latestshoppingtrends

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There are two types of Airsoft BB guns. These are electric and airsoft guns. Here’s a rundown of each one:

Gas Airsoft Guns

Gas airsoft guns take advantage of compressed gas to fire BBs. It’s a good weapon of choice for outdoor shooting practice. There are a number of semi-automatic models, and these shoot at higher velocities than spring powered airsoft guns. Propane is the propellant often used with gas airsoft guns, but you can also use CO2 as well as nitrogen, among others.

Electric Airsoft Guns

These guns use springs in the same way as spring-powered airsoft guns. There’s one major difference, however: electric guns have done away with the need to cock the gun after every round, so now you can enjoy better firing speeds. It’s an excellent improvement, making electric guns the go-to choice for a lot of airsoft players. It often sees great action in team and league play.


Gas airsoft pistols have shooting speeds of 400 fps while rifles can do better at 400 to 500 fps. This means these guns have high shooting accuracy and can shoot over longer distances, helping airsoft snipers get as many of the opposing teams as they can. Since these guns are typically constructed out of metal, it makes them hardier and able to stand up to rough use. They’re also realistic in terms of appearances, so it’s easy to mistake them for the real deal.

Electric Airsoft Guns

These guns have excellent shooting speeds of about 500 fps. They’re also sturdy and durable, so maintenance is easy work. Batteries, too, can be recharged, so you don’t have to shell out cash for new ones every time. It also performs well in most temperatures.

If you’re looking for BB guns, take a gander at available models from reliable sources like Airsoft GI. With a huge selection, you’ll find the gun you need in no time.