Why So Much Focus Should Be Put On The Seams Of Protective Suits

by | Feb 2, 2017 | Clothing

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If you work in a facility that requires the use of protective suits, you may wonder why there are laws and rules governing the type of seams used. However, seams are essential because there are many options out there, and each is designed for a particular degree of protection. Understanding them better can help you choose something that will work for its intended purpose and keep your employees safe.


A serged seam works well for low-level exposure, but may not be suitable for skin-toxic or skin-absorbable chemicals. It works by joining two materials pieces with an interlocking thread stitch. It works well in situations that use dry particulates, dust, non-toxic dirt, and more.


The bound seam is the next level of seams and is considered similar to a serged seam. However, the materials used are folded over each other and then sewn together. It offers a slightly higher level of protection from dry particulates and some liquids because it uses a chain stitch through every layer of material.


The highest level of protection if provided by protective suits using the heat-sealed seam. It is sewn appropriately and then sealed hermetically with thermally-welded seam tape. It is primarily employed in situations where high-concentrated chemicals are found and works well for Level A and B needs. It is also completely liquid-proof and will keep the skin underneath safe from chemical burns and other liquid seepage.


Ultrasonic seams don’t offer as much protection as the heat-sealed but may provide slightly better protection than bound or serged seams. It doesn’t use any thread and doesn’t create holes in the material. It is primarily utilized in the medical field, though it can be used in industrial areas, as well.

Protective suits should have the appropriate seams. Visit MPE to learn more about our products and the seams used for each. Follow us on Google+.